East Bay Housing Organizations
Since 1984, East Bay Housing Organizations has been the leading affordable housing advocacy coalition serving Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. We believe that housing is a human right, and that no one should be without a safe, affordable home.
Our mission is to preserve, protect and expand affordable housing opportunities through education, advocacy, organizing, and coalition-building. As a membership organization, we include more than 500 organizations and community leaders advocating for affordable homes and equitable housing policies at the local and regional level, especially for low-income communities and communities of color.
EBHO promotes and preserves affordable housing by:
Educating elected and public officials, neighborhood associations, faith-based and community organizations, the business community and the general public about the affordable housing crisis and its solutions.
Organizing affordable housing residents and allies to lead advocacy campaigns and promote policies that prevent displacement and create, fund, and preserve affordable housing.
Building strong coalitions with grassroots community and interfaith groups, labor unions, environmental organizations, homeless advocates and non-profit affordable housing developers to work together and take action.
538 9th Street, Suite 200
Oakland, CA 94607